Northbrook School Eighth "?" 1967-1968
Back Row: Bob Eiten, Bruce
Roush, Robert McLaughlin, Gary Chaplin, Mike Mahaffey, Jerry
Middle Row: Gary Schmidt, Larry
Lawrence, Mike Vukson, Randy Faber, Kevin Atherton, LaVonne Gray,
Debbie Barker, Patty O'Sadnick, Lance Wheeler, Jon Krenz, Dennis
Dalton, Kurt Zinke, Doug Anderson
Front Row: Peggy Knipp, Michelle Bresson, Ruth
Costello, Doreen Strouss, Peggy Mills, Debbie Pohl, Bonnie Weitzel, Connie
Thorson, Lara Tresser, Sharon Jackson
(Photo courtesy of Debbie Barker Helland)
If anyone can help me fill in the names of those I have missed (or incorrectly identified) please e-mail me!