Class of '72 Thirty-fifth Reunion

Friday August 10 - Sunday August 12, 2007

Just a quick link:

35th Class Reunion Picture (2.4MB file)

More pictures and better link later this week.  This is just a quickie to show your friends and family.  You can right-click and select 'Save Target As..' to copy to your computer.

Click here if you have a slow internet connection for a smaller picture. (59k file)

Click here for a cropped picture with high resolution. (200k file)

Can you help??
We are still looking for classmates

Please use the Response Form to update your contact information whether or not you plan to attend the reunion.  All response fields are optional.

    Invitation   Response Form

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The following is a list of classmates that an address was available for and have been sent an invitation.

If you know a of a classmate not on this list, please send their name and address and/or contact them yourself to extend an invitation.

Please send addresses to

Barb Wear - Returned Undeliverable
Bard Graff
Beth Christensen - Plans to Attend
Beth Scott
Bill Greskiewicz
Bill Madden
Bill Posten
Bob Walzer - Plans to Attend
Bonnie Barkman - Plans to Attend
Bonnie Pakenham
Bonnie Patterson
Brenda Brown - Plans to Attend
Brian Frank
Brooks Laning - Returned Undeliverable
Bruce Rousch
Butch Lee
Carol Kleckner - Plans to Attend
Charlie Green
Cheryl Elenz
Chris Goodbred
Cindy Beetz - Plans to Attend
Cliff Hess - Plans to Attend
Connie Krzmarzick - Plans to Attend
Connie Porter
Connie Quick
Connie Serrano
Curt Zinke - Plans to Attend
Dan Shirey
Dave Beetz
Dave Geuther
Dave Kellen - Plans to Attend
David Lee Buland - Plans to Attend
David Radtke
Deb Gehant
Deb Jasper - Friday Late
Deb Mahaffey - Plans to Attend
Debbie Mudge Sanderson
Dennis Bieser
Dennis Dalton - Plans to Attend
Diana Burkardt Rigdon - Will Not Be Attending
Diane Baker
Diane Hodge
Donald Sweger - Plans to Attend
Doug Anderson
Doug Happ
Doug Ostrom - Plans to Attend
Doug Salander
Dru Sondgeroth
- Returned Undeliverable
Ed Robinson
Edie Frizol Thompson - Plans to Attend
Eileen Twardowski
Evan Person
Gary Arjes
Gary Champlin
Gary Metzen - Returned Undeliverable
Gary Meyer
Gary R. Schmidt - Plans to Attend
George Worsley
Gerri Bara - Unable to Attend
Greg Kirsteater
Guy Prentice
- Returned Undeliverable
Hersh Jones - Plans to Attend
Jack Schlesinger
Jan Warner - Plans to Attend
Janet Becker
Janis Warren Carlin
- Unable to Attend
Jeff Barker
Jeff Woods
Jerry Beatty
Jerry Cassidy - Plans to Attend
Jerry Spitz
Jim Clines
Jim Shirey
Joann Waibel - Unable to Attend
Joe Hitchins
John & Kathy Clark
John Due
Jon Krenz - Plans to Attend
Joyce Cramer - Unable to Attend
Judy Berg
Julie Wehrmeyer - Plans to Attend
Karen Moore
Karen Wever
Kevin Atherton
Kevin Knowlton
Kevin Montavon - Returned Undeliverable
Kevin Schmidt
Kurt Scheidenhelm
Larry Frisch
Larry Lawrence
Laurie Russell
LaVonne Diemer
- Returned Undeliverable
Len Buster - Returned Undeliverable
Leslie Freeman Yandle - Unable to Attend
Leslie Wortman - Unable to Attend
Linda Dinges
Linda Miller Faubel
Linda Walzer
Linda Zinke
Liz Melton
Lori Hamel - Unable to Attend
Luann Webber
Lucy Walker
Lynn Matheis - Returned Undeliverable
Marcy Mammen - Unable to Attend
Mark Borelli - Returned Undeliverable
Mark Campbell
Mark Fransen - Unable to Attend
Mark Kazlowski - Plans to Attend
Mark Sondgeroth
Mark & Deb Wujek - Plan to Attend
Marlys Scarbrough - Unable to Attend
Marty Herman - Plans to Attend
Mary Kay Gillan
Mary Lou Stein
Mary Politsch - Unable to Attend
Mary Wagner Driver
Michael Mahaffey - Plans to Attend
Michael Smith - Plans to Attend
Micheal Gold-Vukson - Unable to Attend
Mike Keigley
Mike McConville
Mike Strouss
Mike Zinke
Nancy Fultz
Nancy Waldorf
Nat Beer - Plans to Attend
Neil Hochstatter - Returned Undeliverable
Pam Gusik - Returned Undeliverable
Pat Baird-Sessler - Plans to Attend
Pat Widmer Lucas - Returned Undeliverable
Patti Torman
Patti Wamhoff
Paul Funfsinn
Peggy Ethridge
Peggy Mills
Randy Becker - Plans to Attend
Randy Faber
Randy Fox - Plans to Attend
Randy Kleckner - Plans to Attend
Randy Radtke
Rick Ladenburger
Rick Stielow - Plans to Attend
Ro Stremlau
- Returned Undeliverable
Roger Denuis
Ron Haefner
Ruth Straw
Sally Woods - Unable to Attend
Sara Corrigan
Shane Bice
Sharon Bliss
Shelley Giesecke - Returned Undeliverable
Sheree Schimmer Valukas - Plans to Attend
Shirley Joslin Ramsey
Steve Bowne
Steve Joeger
Steve Lemmer - Returned Undeliverable
Steve Willard
Sue McConville Fisher
Sue Morris
- Returned Undeliverable
Sue Wujek
Susan Barian - Returned Undeliverable
Teresa Knaff
Terry Jacobs
Terry Phillips
Tim Bauer
Tim Kromm
Tom Schultz
Tom Sondgeroth - Attending Saturday
Tom Yost - Plans to Attend
Vicki Doerscher Staebell
Vicki Pangricic

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This page last updated 08/13/2007